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Rockville Battery Strip 24 RGBW Light Bar [071]

The Rockville Battery Strip 24 RGBW Light Bar fixtures are available from Amazon, ASIN number B084CVFF2M.  Its Standard Fixture ID is 071.   Figure 1 – Rockville Battery Strip 24 RGBW Light Bar   The fixtures have 6, 9, 16, 30, and 58 channel DMX personalities.  Finale 3D implements the 9-channel personality. Table 1 – DMX personality choices DMX personality ("DMX Channel Mode") Supported in Finale 3D 6CH NO 9CH YES 16CH NO 30CH NO 58CH NO   Instructions To design a show for Rockville Battery Strip 24 RGBW Light Bar fixtures, please follow the steps in DMX basic instructions and Light fixtures basic instructions.  If you don't already have a compatible firing system or controller capable exporting a DMX script, please refer to Supported firing systems and controllers (DMX) for the list of available hardware options.   Choosing the DMX channel ranges for fixtures Each fixture requires multiple channels, so if you are putting multiple fixtures in the same DMX Universe, you need to set the Start Address on the fixture in the real world and the corresponding DMX Channel Base on the fixture in Finale 3D to a range of channels that doesn't overlap with others.  A DMX universe has channels 1-512.  If you want to pack as many fixtures into the 512 channels of a DMX universe as you can, back-to-back ranges are the most efficient.  Table 2 shows an example for 9-channel fixtures.  Some DMX firing systems and controllers only support 50 or 100 channels, so you may not have all 512 channels to work with.   Table 2 – Example channel ranges for 9-channel fixtures in a DMX universe Fixture DMX Channel Base Channels Used 1 1 1-9 2 10 10-18 3 19 19-27 4 28 28-36 5 37 37-45 6 46 46-55 ... 56 496 496-505   Technical details The following tables show the technical specifications of the fixtures, as tested by the Finale support team.   Table 3 – DMX channels for 9CH personality DMX Channel Meaning Channel 1 (DMX Channel Base + 0) Dimmer Channel 2 (DMX Channel Base + 1) Strobe Channel 3 (DMX Channel Base + 2) Red Channel 4 (DMX Channel Base + 3) Green Channel 5 (DMX Channel Base + 4) Blue Channel 6 (DMX Channel Base + 5) White Channel 7 (DMX Channel Base + 6) Mode Channel 8 (DMX Channel Base + 7) Color Chase Channel 9 (DMX Channel Base + 8) Chase Speed     Table 4 – Example files and downloads Download link Explanation BATTERY STRIP 24_Manual_OL.pdf Rockville Battery Strip 24 RGBW Light Bar User Manual

Reply To: Exportacion a Firemaster

Hola, nuestra documentación de Firemaster puede responder a su pregunta, aquí hay un enlace:   Hello, our Firemaster documentation may answer your question, here is a link:  

Fireworks for Peace – Join this worldwide fireworks art event

The Finale Fireworks team is proud to support this call for PEACE, please share this with fellow pyros everywhere. From our friends in Germany:       This is a call to all fireworks communities worldwide. Please share.   CALL TO ACTION   Fireworks are the art of emotions. #fireworks4peace is an artistic action to spark the hope for peace all over the world.   Together, the German fireworks community will enact a collective fireworks art event from the north to the south of Germany on the historical date of May 8th (the End of WW2 in Europe) to articulate peoples’ desire for peace, freedom, and dignity and to stand up for democracy. And we are calling all fireworks communities worldwide to join us! With the expressive power of fireworks, this event shall convey the feelings of millions and evoke a common sensation of unity between all of us, even overcoming national borders. Participants can be entire companies or a single artist or a group of technicians. The contribution can be a single cake box or an orchestrated pyro-musical. In order to let the power inherent in freedom and diversity shine through, all artists shall create and perform their contributions freely and independently.   #fireworks4peace   We are reaching out to all our international friends and fellows and hope you will help us spread the word and join us in lighting up this symbol of hope all together on May 8th around the globe.   We like to thank the Japan Hanabi Association (JHA), the American Pyrotechnics Association (APA) and the German Fireworks Associations (VPI and BVKP) for supporting this call. You already made #fireworks4peace a global event!   For more information on participation and announcements visit: For questions or to get in touch contact us via:   Social Media Links: #fireworks4peace on Instagram, #fireworks4peace on Twitter, #fireworks4peace on Facebook. Please use #fireworks4peace for all your posting related to this event on your own social media channels.   We like to thank all supporters throughout the international fireworks community that helped us with the translation of the call! We are absolutely overwhelmed by all this feedback and support!

Reply To: Introductions – introduce yourself!

Hello! My name is Igor Shulga.   We are the PYRO team from Ukraine. Since 2003 we created: 5000+ different fireworks 1000+ pyromusical shows - the website we are proud of pyroua - our bright and unusual instagram you may use browser translator to get more information about our company and team The war stopped our fireworks business in Ukraine But we’re glad to be useful for your company and your clients   WE’D LIKE TO SHARE OUR OPPORTUNITIES WITH YOU 1. We can make visual models of fireworks using Finale 3D - the most realistic fireworks simulator in the world. In addition we’ll create a library of the effects and racks, if you don’t have one. As well your pyrotechnicians will have all shooting reports to prepare every firework properly.   2. We can manage and participate in all processes of pyromusical show creation from idea to realization, using our wireless firing system fireTEK. it is our website page for pyromusical shows, here you can watch video of 319 fireworks by this link compare 3D model of firework with video of real pyromusical show   3. We can share with you our 19 years experience in selling pyrotechnics and making fireworks. HERE ARE SOME ASPECTS WE HOPE TO BE USEFUL IN   Integrate business processes in selling and making fireworks, team management, clients/partners management and products accounting based on our self-created cloud CRM system since 2008. Development of shooting equipment for different types of fireworks, including pyromusical shows and ground fireworks.     Hope to be helpful for you Best regards, -- Igor Shulga CEO PYRO - fireworks and special effects +38(050)462-57-57 (Telegram Viber WhatsApp WeChat)

Reply To: Export DMX Script to Cobra

Hi PyroWalker, we on it. I've reached out to Cobra to discuss. I'll also send you an email to get some addition info to make sure we run this to ground.

Reply To: Export DMX Script to Cobra

What you are saying makes sense, however, even when selecting version 6.0.x the headers were not pulling into the Excel file, and I had to create a dummy DMX script in Cobra and add those headings to the exported file from Finale. Once I did this, it worked perfectly.

Reply To: Export DMX Script to Cobra

Hi PyroWalker, what you're saying makes perfect sense, there's absolutely nothing wrong with using the tool that you're comfortable with to check your script.   At the same time, I think there is some confusion that's very important to clarify. We have worked directly with Cobra to ensure script files generated by Finale 3D precisely meet the script file and feature specifications for each Cobra version. If your Cobra hardware is running version 6.x, and you select 6.x when exporting your script from Finale 3D, I am extremely confident that the script is formatted correctly and will work properly when loaded into your remote. Not only have we tested this one on one with Cobra, but we also have Cobra gear on hand that we use for testing internally. Additionally, two weeks ago at Cobra-Con, 14 teams that participated in Pyro Boot Camp designed shows in Finale 3D and successfully fired them the same day. The 14 shows were exported directly from Finale 3D to USB flash drives and then loaded into Cobra remotes.   It is paramount to us that the scripts exported from Finale 3D result in successful shows. Any time we become aware of a bug or error in exported script files, we fix it immediately. I think the confusion in this case stems from the comment rows that can (optionally) be added to a Cobra script file. Comments in a Cobra script file are represented by any text starting with #. Comments are optional and they are completely ignored by the remote when you load your script. Below is a screenshot of a V6 script exported from Show Creator, and the exact same show exported as V6 from Finale 3D. No question about it, there are more comments in the script file exported from Show Creator vs. Finale 3D. Meanwhile, the parts of the script used by the Cobra remote are functionally the same. In other words, if you load each of these scripts into your remote, you will get the exact same show. However, if you import the script from Finale 3D into Show Creator, you will run into an issue, and I think that's what happened to you. I'm not certain, but I think that the CSC import process relies on the (optional) comments being present in the file at import to determine the script version. So, even though the script from Finale 3D will work perfectly if you go directly to your remote, it can't be imported properly into Show Creator. I can totally see how this could be disconcerting and give you a lack of confidence in the integrity of your script. I will discuss this with my colleagues and with Cobra and see what we can do. Meanwhile, please know that any errors you get when importing your script from Finale 3D into Show Creator are not an indication that your script would not have worked if it were loaded directly into your remote.    

Reply To: Introductions – introduce yourself!

Hello everyone!! I am Hetal from India. Just started to learn on effects. Look forward to learn from all experience guys here.

Reply To: Export DMX Script to Cobra

I am very comfortable using Cobra Show Creator and the script setup, so I did this in order to make sure things looked like I wanted them to in the system I am most familiar with. Also, I am really glad I did, because I was on with Cobra help, and there was an error in Finale's coding for the headings, so even though I selected version 6.0X it didn't recognize that, and the script wouldn't have ran properly had I just fired the show that way. Does that make sense?

Reply To: Export DMX Script to Cobra

Hi PyroWalker, I'm sorry for answering your question with a question, but why did you export you script from Finale 3D to Cobra Show Creator?