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Export DMX Script to Cobra

I have recently exported my script to Cobra Show Creator and my DMX effects have transferred over as pyro cues not DMX cues. I feel lost as to what to do differently.

Showven Sonic Boom X Smoke Jet Fog Jet 11CH [070]

The Sonic Boom X Smoke Jet fixtures combine fog with RGB LED lights.  The Standard Fixture ID for this fixture in Finale 3D is 070.   Figure 1 – Sonic Boom X Smoke Jet   The fixtures have an 11 channel DMX personality.   Table 1 – DMX personality choices DMX personality ("DMX Channel Mode") Supported in Finale 3D 11CH YES   Instructions To design a show for Sonic Boom X Smoke Jet fixtures, please follow the steps in DMX basic instructions and Light fixtures basic instructions.  If you don't already have a compatible firing system or controller capable exporting a DMX script, please refer to Supported firing systems and controllers (DMX) for the list of available hardware options.   Choosing the DMX channel ranges for fixtures Each fixture requires multiple channels, so if you are putting multiple fixtures in the same DMX Universe, you need to set the Start Address on the fixture in the real world and the corresponding DMX Channel Base on the fixture in Finale 3D to a range of channels that doesn't overlap with others.  A DMX universe has channels 1-512.  If you want to pack as many fixtures into the 512 channels of a DMX universe as you can, back-to-back ranges are the most efficient.  Table 2 shows an example for 11-channel fixtures.  Some DMX firing systems and controllers only support 50 or 100 channels, so you may not have all 512 channels to work with.   Table 2 – Example channel ranges for 11-channel fixtures in a DMX universe Fixture DMX Channel Base Channels Used 1 1 1-11 2 12 12-22 3 23 23-33 4 34 34-44 5 45 45-55 ... 15 496 496-506   Technical details The following tables show the technical specifications of the fixtures, as tested by the Finale support team.   Table 3 – DMX channels for 11CH personality DMX Channel Meaning Channel 1 (DMX Channel Base + 0) Fog (0-9 = OFF; 10-2555 = ON) Channel 2 (DMX Channel Base + 1) Inner Red Channel 3 (DMX Channel Base + 2) Inner Green Channel 4 (DMX Channel Base + 3) Inner Blue Channel 5 (DMX Channel Base + 4) Outer Red Channel 6 (DMX Channel Base + 5) Outer Green Channel 7 (DMX Channel Base + 6) Outer Blue Channel 8 (DMX Channel Base + 7) LED Random (0-9 = OFF; 10-255 = Random) Channel 9 (DMX Channel Base + 8) LED Color Change Speed Channel 10 (DMX Channel Base + 9) Strobe (0-9 = OFF; 10-255 = Slow To Fast) Channel 11 (DMX Channel Base + 10) Dimmer (0-9 = OFF; 10-255 = Low To High)   Table 4 – Example files and downloads Download link Explanation SONICBOOM X MANUAL.pdf Sonic Boom X Smoke Jet User Manual

Exportacion a Firemaster

Amigos, como puedo exportar toda mi secuencia a un equipo firemaster? con marcadores de musica

Reply To: DMX light simulations

  Western PA Pyro Guy wrote: Is there any way to program a light fade in and out for the dmx lights?   Not in F3D.   Also keep in mind, that most firing systems, if they do not have implemented a fade, might have an issue with the number of "cues" it would generate to create a fade without the firing system having a specific feature for it.

Reply To: DMX light simulations

    Pyro_9950000 wrote: is there anyway to create the DMX show file made in a visualizer program and then export that file on top of the timeline in finale?   No. Visualizer work completely differently. It is a virtual rig, you send DMX data to the the visualizer and renders what you do in real time. It is a replacement for testing on hardware, not a replacement for programming tools such as F3D.

Reply To: DMX light simulations

Is there any way to program a light fade in and out for the dmx lights?

Reply To: editing the part # in per show effects

The part number field is editable in the per-show effects table, but since the part number field is the key for effect rows it is not possible to have two rows with the same part numbers.  That may explain why the part number appeared to be not editable in the table.   Bear in mind, the script rows contain part numbers that are references to the rows in the per-show effects table, so if you change a part number in the per-show effects table manually, the script rows referencing the old value will no longer match up.  So you have to change them too.   You can also manually copy/paste a row or rows from the My Effects table or any of the other effects collections into the per-show effects, subject to the constraint that part numbers in the per-show effects table must be unique.

Reply To: Programmazione Firemaster & sequencer omnifire

TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH: I managed to design a small demo show in order to get to know the software but when I arrived at the time of programming I encountered some difficulties: I use Firemaster 3 and I encountered the problem with the beeps that are too close to me (firemaster requires 0.50 sec. Between one beep and the next) and if I put 100 markers for single shots I end up with 100 beeps!   Furthermore, the firemaster has a function called "show" that allows you to recall the same line with different sequences (this is to use external machines called 32-line sequencers)   ANSWER:   Regarding the beeps, the recent versions of Finale 3D have an export options dialog that appears when you export a script.  The basic idea is that you can choose the minimum separation time option when you export the Firemaster script.  If the minimum separation time is one second, then beeps will be combined if they are closer together than one second.   Some additional details are in the Firemaster documentation here:   Please look at Table 2, specifically the "Time resolution" row and the next row, "Semi-automatic fire and manual fire".   Regarding the second question about 32 pin sequencers, if you want a single pin to trigger a sequence of effects, then I recommend you combine the sequence of effects into a chain in Finale 3D.  In the real world, obviously, a chain is not the same thing as your 32 pin sequencer hardware, but for addressing they are similar: both require a single pin to trigger a sequence of effects.      

Programmazione Firemaster & sequencer omnifire

Sono riuscito a disegnare un piccolo spettacolino demo in modo da conoscere il software ma al momento della programmazione ho riscontrato alcune difficoltà: Io uso Firemaster 3 ed il problema l'ho riscontrato con i beep che mi risultano troppo vicini l’uno dall’altro, (firemaster esige 0,50 sec. Tra un beep è quello successivo) ed io se metto 100 marker per i single shot mi ritrovo con 100 beep! Inoltre il firemaster ha una funzione chiamata “show” che consente di richiamare la stessa linea più volte con sequenze diverse (questo per usare macchine esterne chiamate sequencer a 32 linee) questo facendo camminare in modo progressivo le cue ma richiamando la seq interessata… Finale 3d riesce ad aiutarmi con questi punti ?


Effect libraries for light fixtures contain a set of pre-defined effects to use in your show, like "Red Flash (lg)" for a par light or perhaps a "Green Move-To (lg)" for a moving head fixture.   If a fixture supports strobing, then its effect library will likely include effects with names like "With Strobing (Fast)" or "With Strobing (Medium)".  These strobing effects don't make any light on their own; they are modifier effects.  They modify the behavior of light effects that are playing on the fixture at the same time.   Figure 1 – The yellow dotted lines overlaying the second set of effects on the timeline cause them to strobe.   To add strobing effects to your show, first add whatever light effects you want to the fixtures, and then add "With Strobing" effects to those same fixtures.  The "With Strobing" effects need to begin at the same time or before the effects that they modify, and to avoid confusion they should extend long enough cover the full extent of the effects that they modify.  The effect simulations and DMX output for an effect are determined by the strobing modifiers overlapping the beginning of the effect.  The modifiers at that time will apply for the full duration of the effect.  If a strobing modifier ends in the middle of an effect's duration, the strobing will continue to the end of the full duration anyway, both for the simulation and in the exported DMX script, as illustrated in Figure 2.   Figure 2 – If the dotted line overlaps the beginning of the solid line, then the full duration of the solid line effect will be strobing.   "With Strobing" effects typically have a default duration of 10 seconds, which is probably too short or too long.  After inserting the "With Strobing" effects, grab the the right end of their timeline bars one at a time and drag them to adjust the durations; or edit the duration field of the "With Strobing" effects in the script table.  As you can see in Figure 1, the durations of the yellow dotted lines representing the "With Strobing" effects don't need to be exact; they just need to cover the red lines representing the light effects that they modify.   Strobing effects that strobe according to their own definitions While the more common approach to strobing is with modifier effects like "With Strobing" that overlap and apply to other effects like "Red Par Light", it is also possible to create an effect that is strobing according to its own definition and therefore doesn't require an overlapping modifier effect.  An effect like "Strobing Red Par Light" if present in the effect library can be inserted onto the timeline just like a "Red Par Light" effect, and the only difference will be that it is strobing.  The VDL for strobing DMX effects and modifiers is a little complicated if you are creating your own effect libraries; a full description is here: Creating fixture definitions and effects.