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Anonymous Small Steel Gun 120W Moving Head Gobo Spotlight [059]

The Anonymous Small Steel Gun 120W Moving Head Gobo Spotlight fixtures, Standard Fixture ID 059, are available from Alibaba (  The capabilities include gobos in addition to the moving head with a color wheel.   Figure 1 – Anonymous Small Steel Gun 120W Moving Head Gobo Spotlight   The fixtures are described as having a 12 channel DMX personality but they reserve 4 additional channels at the end, requiring a total of 16 DMX channels.   Table 1 – DMX personality choices DMX personality ("DMX Channel Mode") Supported in Finale 3D 16CH (12 used channels + 4 reserved) YES   Instructions To design a show for Anonymous Small Steel Gun 120W Moving Head Gobo Spotlight fixtures, please follow the steps in DMX basic instructions and Light fixtures basic instructions.  If you don't already have a compatible firing system or controller capable exporting a DMX script, please refer to Supported firing systems and controllers (DMX) for the list of available hardware options.   Choosing the DMX channel ranges for fixtures Each fixture requires multiple channels, so if you are putting multiple fixtures in the same DMX Universe, you need to set the Start Address on the fixture in the real world and the corresponding DMX Channel Base on the fixture in Finale 3D to a range of channels that doesn't overlap with others.  A DMX universe has channels 1-512.  If you want to pack as many fixtures into the 512 channels of a DMX universe as you can, back-to-back ranges are the most efficient.  Table 2 shows an example for 16-channel fixtures.  Some DMX firing systems and controllers only support 50 or 100 channels, so you may not have all 512 channels to work with.   Table 2 – Example channel ranges for 16-channel fixtures in a DMX universe Fixture DMX Channel Base Channels Used 1 1 1-16 2 17 17-32 3 33 33-48 4 49 49-64 5 65 65-80 6 81 81-96 7 97 97-112 8 113 113-128 9 129 129-144 10 145 145-160 ... 32 497 497-512   Technical details The following tables show the technical specifications of the fixtures, as tested by the Finale support team.   Table 3 – DMX channels for 16CH personality DMX Channel Meaning Channel 1 (DMX Channel Base + 0) Pan Channel 2 (DMX Channel Base + 1) Pan fine Channel 3 (DMX Channel Base + 2) Tilt Channel 4 (DMX Channel Base + 3) Tilt fine Channel 5 (DMX Channel Base + 4) Motor speed (0 = max; 255 = min) Channel 6 (DMX Channel Base + 5) Dimmer (0 = OFF; 255 = max) Channel 7 (DMX Channel Base + 6) Shutter/Strobe (see table below) Channel 8 (DMX Channel Base + 7) Color (see table below) Channel 9 (DMX Channel Base + 8) Gobo (see table below) Channel 10 (DMX Channel Base + 9) Prism; set to zero Channel 11 (DMX Channel Base + 10) Macro; set to zero Channel 12 (DMX Channel Base + 11) Reset; set to zero Channel 13 (DMX Channel Base + 12) Reserved; set to zero Channel 14 (DMX Channel Base + 13) Reserved; set to zero Channel 15 (DMX Channel Base + 14) Reserved; set to zero Channel 16 (DMX Channel Base + 15) Reserved; set to zero   Table 4 – Shutter values for strobe DMX Value Shutter/Strobe 0 No strobe 1-255 Strobing, slow to fast   Table 5 – Color wheel values DMX Value Color 0-15 White 16-31 Red 32-47 Orange 48-63 Lemon 64-79 Green 80-95 Blue 96-111 Magenta 112-127 Cyan   Table 6 – Gobo patterns DMX Value Finale 3D Identifier Image 0-7 NoGobo No gobo 8-15 NorthStar 16-23 ArrowHeads 24-31 WaterWheel 32-39 Star 40-47 Ellipses 48-55 Atom 56-63 StarPieces 64-127 Repeat of patterns, shaking 128-255 Cycling options   Programmer notes The color and gobo mechanisms of these fixtures require careful programming of the DMX Patches.    Programmers who are implementing effect libraries may benefit from these notes: DMX Patches for one-shot "Flash" effects set the color in setup phase because the color wheel needs to move to the correct rotation in advance of the effect to be prepared.  Otherwise the audience sees the color wheel spinning to the correct color at the beginning of the effect.  The setup phase in the DMX Patches is a luxurious one second by default, but since it compresses against any previous effect rather than overwriting the previous effect, the luxury has no consequence.   Table 7 – Example files and downloads Download link Explanation MANUAL.pdf Small Steel Gun 120W Moving Head Gobo Spotlight User Manual

Reset Fixture

Some fixtures require a "Reset Fixture" effect to set certain DMX channels to initial values.  If you see an effect called "Reset Fixture" in the effect library for a fixture, please add one of the effects to the fixture at the beginning of the show.  Finale 3D will give you a warning when you export a show script if you are using a fixture that requires initialization and are missing the "Reset Fixture" effect.  The fixtures requiring a "Reset Fixture" effect are listed in Table 1 of Supported light fixtures (and Standard Fixture IDs).   Explanation It is most common for DMX channel values of 0 to correspond to natural default values, but that's just not the case for some fixtures.  For example, the 30W Tomshine moving head fixture’s “no gobo” pattern does not correspond to the DMX gobo channel value of 0; it corresponds to values between 16 and 23!    The flash effects for this fixture do not themselves set the gobo channel, in order to allow "With Gobo" effects to apply the gobo as a modification.  Thus if the gobo channel value of 0 corresponds to a gobo, the user is in for a surprise gobo unless the user adds a "Reset Fixture" effect that sets the gobo channel value to a number that nullifies the gobo pattern.

Reply To: Finale files/ templates for PyroJam Competition

Daniel, This is wonderful, thanks for the quick reply. I will drop you a note today.   Donn    

Reply To: Finale files/ templates for PyroJam Competition

  Pyro_71170000 wrote: Hi,   I’m glad you liked our show! 🙂   Just send me a short mail to and I’ll make sure you’ll get our “Carry On” show file.   Regards Daniel   Daniel, thank you for the kind gesture. It's heartwarming to see a designer share their knowledge to help another designer.

Reply To: Finale files/ templates for PyroJam Competition

Hi,   I'm glad you liked our show! :-)   Just send me a short mail to and I'll make sure you'll get our "Carry On" show file.   Regards Daniel

Reply To: Finale files/ templates for PyroJam Competition

Hi Pyro_44000000, great question.   Pyro_71170000 (designer of "Carry On") and Pyro_38150000 (designer of "Force of Nature"), what do you say? Would you be willing to help out a fellow pyro by sharing your show (.fin) files?

Finale files/ templates for PyroJam Competition

I am a backyard guy new to pyro musicals. I am trying to learn best practices for scripting a show. I was very impressed with the design of two of the shows in PyroJam and would like to learn the details of how the shows were choreographed by looking over the script. This would allow me to understand devices, angles, timing, etc that produce the specular effects that I would love to learn all about. If anyone can help me with the opportunity to obtain a copy of the scripts I would really appreciate it.   All the shows were really impressive but the two shows I was most interested in were:   Timo Luttmann & Daniel Schaffler " Carry On" Vinci Fireworks " Force of Nature"   Thanks for assistance.

Programmer documentation: User-defined fixture definitions

Step by step instructions for defining your own fixture definitions and effects in Finale 3D manually are in the article, Creating fixture definitions and effects for your own fixtures.  One step in that process involves writing a line of code called a "Fixture Definition" and storing it in the user-defined effects for your fixture.  This article provides the specifications for that line of code. The line of code specifies, The name of the fixture The fixture ID Number of channels Part Number of the default effect Labels of DMX channels in the DMX personality Part Number of "initialize fixture" effect, if required Part Number of safety channel effect, if required A short nickname for the fixture (optional) Boolean flag indicating whether the safety channel's address is independent of the DMX Channel Base (optional) All of this information is easy to find in the user manual of your fixture.   Syntax An example fixture definition for a Tomshine moving head light fixture is: {[name "Tomshine [] Moving Head Gobo 9CH"][fixtureId 100][numChannels 9][defaultEffectPartNumber TS11301][nickname "TSGOBO"][channelLabels {[0 "Pan"][1 "Tilt"][2 "Motor Speed"][3 "Dimmer"][4 "Strobe"][5 "Color"][6 "Gobo"][7 "Set To Zero"][8 "Set To Zero"]}]} The fixture definition is written in a programming language in which curly brackets define set of attributes and their values.  Each attribute/value pair is in square brackets.  Thus in this example, the first attribute is, name and its value is, "Tomshine [] Moving Head Gobo 9CH" (double quotes included).  The square brackets inside the double quotes are just part of the string.  If the string contains any embedded double quotes, they are preceded by backslash, as in "2" Red Peony".  The attributes are case-sensitive, so be careful to type fixtureId, not FixtureId.   Attributes The name attribute should begin with a short, upper case abbreviation or nickname of the fixture brand or manufacturer with no spaces or special characters, followed by square brackets with nothing in them, followed by the fixture description itself. The fixtureId attribute is the fixture ID number.  User-defined fixture IDs are in the range 100-199. The numChannels attribute is the number of channels of your fixture's DMX channel map, which is called its "DMX personality".  Fixtures often have multiple DMX personalities that you can choose from.  When you make a fixture definition and set of effects for that fixture definition in Finale 3D, it is specific to a single DMX personality, and thus has a specific number of channels.  If you notice in the syntax example above, the name of the fixture is "Moving Head Gobo 9CH", which indicates that it represents the 9 channel DMX personality of the fixture.  If you use effects in Finale 3D that are made for one DMX personality of your fixture, and yet you configure your fixture to a different DMX personality, then the exported DMX script will be incorrect. The defaultEffectPartNumber attribute is the part number of the effect that Finale 3D will use when it cannot find an effect for your fixture to match a need of the "Change DMX fixture and convert effects" function.  If you use that function to convert a show from some other fixture to your fixture, and the show contains effects for the other fixture that you have not defined for your fixture, the defaultEffectPartNumber is what will be used as a placeholder.  The part number is a symbol, not a string, so it is not surrounded by double quotes.  If the part number contains spaces or double quotes within it, then it can be written in an alternate syntax: #<"TS11301">.  The alternate syntax allows for spaces and double quotes as part of the part number.  Contained double quotes should be preceded by backslash, as in #<"2" RED PEONY">.  Although Finale 3D supports all characters in part numbers, it is generally a bad idea to have double quotes or spaces in part numbers since they can cause trouble if you export to Excel or use barcodes or other systems. The channelLabels attribute is an object (curly brackets!) that contains as its attribute/value pairs the list of DMX channel offsets beginning with zero, and their meaning as a short description of just a few words.  The description needs to be short because it is included in the exported DMX scripts to make the scripts more readable, and many firing systems have character limits of the description fields.  The DMX channel offsets begin with zero.  Your fixture's user manual may have a DMX channel specification that begins with channel 1 and counts up.  Please renumber them when you add them to the channelLabels field of your fixture definition, so the first channel is 0, the second is 1, and so on. The requiredInitializeFixturePartNumber (only if required!) attribute is a part number symbol, similar to the defaultEffectPartNumber (i.e., not in quotes).  Most fixtures do not require an effect to initialize the fixture, so most fixture definitions do not include this attribute.  Some fixtures have a DMX personality that requires an initial configuration for some of the DMX channels.  For these fixtures, the user needs to add an effect at the beginning of the show to reset/initialize the fixture by setting those channel values.  On the basis of this attribute in the fixture definition, Finale 3D will warn the user if the user has forgotten to add any required reset/initialize fixture effects before attempting to export a DMX script.  An example attribute value for the 30W Tomshine moving head fixture is,  [requiredInitializeFixturePartNumber TS12295]. The requiredSafetyChannelPartNumber (only if required!) attribute is a part number symbol, similar to the defaultEffectPartNumber (i.e., not in quotes).  Most flame projector fixtures require a safety channel effect to enable the fixture.  On the basis of this attribute in the fixture definition, Finale 3D will warn the user if the user has forgotten to add the required safety channel before addressing or export a DMX script.  An example attribute value for the Galaxis G-Flame flame projector is,  [requiredSafetyChannelPartNumber GFX9899]. The safetyChannelConfiguredSeparately (only if safety channel is required!) attribute is a boolean flag with value true or false that is true if the fixture's safety channel number can be set independently of the fixture's DMX Channel Base that is the base address for the channels in the DMX personality.  An example attribute value for the Galaxis G-Flame flame projector is,  [safetyChannelConfiguredSeparately true]. The optional nickname attribute should be a short, upper case string 3-8 characters long, which will be appended to the beginning of effect names for the fixture so the effect names contain within themselves an indication of what fixture they are meant for, as a convenience for the designer when looking through rows in the script window or exported script.    

Reply To: Finale3D LITE version

Hi Rovira, to see a detailed feature comparison for all Finale 3D versions, visit:   Pro is the only version that renders 4K videos. Hobbyist is limited to 720p and Lite does not render videos.

Creating DMX fixtures and effects

If you have a fixture that is not yet supported in Finale 3D, you can reach out to Finale support by email for assistance or you can create fixture definitions and effects yourself using the menu item, "DMX > Create DMX effect...". If you create DMX effects for pre-defined fixtures, you'll fill the channel values in the pre-defined channel map, which indicates for example in Figure 1 that channel 1 is "Red", channel 5 is "Strobe", etc.  If you create DMX effects for your own user-defined fixtures, you'll also fill the channel descriptions in channel map, typing in the word "Red" for channel 1 and "Strobe" for channel 5, etc.  The channel map you define will be embedded in the effect itself in its Custom Part Field property when the effect is saved.  The next time you create an effect for the same user-defined fixture, the channel map you already created will pop up, so you do not need to type the channel descriptions again every time. Figure 1 – The "Edit DMX effect..." dialog for a pre-defined fixture has read-only fields for the fixture properties.   Typing the words "Red" or "Strobe" into the channel map doesn't actually have any bearing on the exported scripts, because the words you type are just labels for your own convenience.   The channel values are what matters to the exported script.  As you can see in Figure 1, each channel has an option for the "Begin value" and "End value".  "Begin" and "End" refer to the beginning and end of the effect.  If you stretch an effect on the timeline to be 20 seconds long, then the "Begin" value will be set at the beginning of the effect and the "End" value will be set 20 seconds later.  Thus, even if you need five different duration variations of an effect, you only need to create the effect once, and you can adjust the durations of the events in the script, or you can copy/paste the effect definition in the effects window and change the Duration column values to create the effect variations.   Creating effects for new fixtures versus existing fixtures When you select "New fixture" in the "Fixture type" field of the dialog (about five rows down from the top of the dialog), the fields related to the fixture properties become editable for you to define the fixture itself as shown in Figure 2. Figure 1 – The "Create DMX effect..." dialog for a new fixture has fields to define the fixture in addition to the effect.   The fixture related fields are the Fixture ID and the four rows immediately below the "Fixture type" field, and the channel descriptions at the bottom of the dialog.  To create your own fixture definition, fill in these fields as follows: "Fixture ID" is a number from 100-199 of your choice.  Just start 100 for your first fixture definition and count up for your other fixtures.  This range of numbers does not conflict with any of the pre-defined fixtures. "Fixture name" is what will appear in menus for selecting fixtures, like the menu in the "Configure position as DMX fixture" dialog of Figure 3 or the edit and create dialogs of Figure 1 and Figure 2.  Throughout the application, any functions that involve selecting a fixture type will present a dialog that includes all the application-defined fixture options and all the user-defined fixture options that are present in any of the effects in the script or any of the effects collections. "Fixture manufacturer" is just a label for your own convenience to help identify fixtures.  Together, the fixture manufacturer, Fixture ID and fixture name are combined in the menu items as in, "TOMSHINE [027] Moving Head Gobo". "Nickname for the fixture" is a short, usually uppercase, abbreviation for the fixture like "TSMHG", which is combined with the Fixture ID, Effect ID, and effect name as in "TSMHG [027/1011] Red Flash (lg)" to construct the effect description. The nickname is useful because you may have different fixtures that each have their own "Red Flash" effect, and it is nice to be able to tell at a glance what fixture an effect applies to. "Fixture total number of DMX channels" is the total number of DMX channels in the fixture's DMX channel map.  This is the number of channels that need to be allocated for each fixture in a 512 channel DMX universe.  For example, if the fixture has 20 channels then two fixtures back-to-back in a 512 channel DMX universe may allocate channels 1-20 and 21- 40.   DMX channels to set The bottom section of the dialog defines the channels that will be output in the exported script to implement the effect.  It is important to keep in mind that the DMX channels in the exported script control what happens in the real world.  The VDL, Duration and Height fields at the top of the dialog control what the simulation will look like, but absent the channel values they are decoupled from the real world.  When you create a DMX effect in Finale 3D, you are actually defining two things -- what the simulation looks like and what DMX channels are output.  You would like the two things to match.  After all, if you are designing a show with a red par light, it would be confusing if the red par light simulation corresponded to a different color in the real world! To help keep the simulation and real world matching, the channel rows in this dialog include a "Begin value" and an "End value", which are the channel values for the beginning and end of the effect.   If you change the duration of the effect on the timeline or in the effects window, the duration will apply both to the simulation and also to exported DMX channels, keeping them consistent.  Look at channel 7 in Figure 1.  The "Dimmer" channel is set to 255 at the beginning of the effect (on) and 0 at the end (off), which is what you would expect. The "Channel setting options" field in the dialog above the channel rows has three options.  The "Set for the duration of the effect" option indicates that channels will need a value set at the beginning and end of the effect.  The "Set forever" option indicates that only a beginning value is required, which will hold forever or until a subsequent effect changes the channel to something else. The "Set prior to effect" option applies the "Setup value" in advance of the effect's beginning time in order to give the fixture enough time to prepare for the effect.  Light fixtures with gobos or color wheels, and any fixtures with moving heads or nozzles need preparation time to position the wheel or head at the desired angle prior to the effect, so that when the effect turns on it is already aiming in the right direction and showing the right color or gobo.   For this option, please see Programmer documentation: The DMX Patch field and Programmer documentation: Special VDL terms for DMX effects like “Move-To” and “With Strobing” for more instructions. If you are defining a new fixture, you should fill in descriptions for all the channels of the fixture's channel map whether or not the specific effect you are defining applies values to the channels.  If the effect does not apply a value to a channel, uncheck the checkbox for the channel so the effect leaves it alone.  The example in Figure 1 leaves channel 5 unchecked so that strobing can be turned on or off independently using a "With Strobing" modifier effect.  Alternatively, instead of defining "Magenta Flash (lg)" that is independent of the fixture's strobing characteristic you could define a "Strobing Magenta Flash (lg)" that is intrinsically strobing.  You would then check the checkmark of channel 5 and set the strobing channel value to a value corresponding to a strobing frequency at the beginning of the effect, and zero at the end of the effect to turn off the strobing characteristic. The VDL of the effect should match what the effect's DMX channel specifications actually do.  A "With Strobing" effect should have VDL that modifies other effects that the "With Strobing" effect overlaps (e.g., "Nonphysical Modifier DmxStrobing10Hz").  By contrast a "Strobing Red Flash" effect should have VDL that creates the red light in addition to making it strobe (e.g., "Red Par Light Modifier DmxStrobing10Hz").  The special VDL terms are described in Programmer documentation: Special VDL terms for DMX effects like “Move-To” and “With Strobing”.   Special DMX channels values: variables The channel value menus include numbers 0-255 and also include a list of variables like :duration10 or :pan540.  As explained in Programmer documentation: The DMX Patch field, these variables can hold channel values from 0-255 corresponding to aspects of the effect as is used in the show.  The variable :duration10, for example, is the duration of the effect in hundredths of a second.  The variable :pan540 is the pan angle of the effect in the show after converting 0-360 degrees to channel values 0-170, i.e., based on a 540 degree range of the fixture.  In general, for types of fixture effects that cannot be represented as simple numbers from 0-255 at the beginning and end of effects, the variables translate the necessary effect characteristics to channel values or channel offsets. There are some types of effects that are too complicated to represent with simple numbers or variables for the channel values.  The “MagicFX [003] Mode 1 Flamaniac” fixture, for example, has five on/off channels that control the flame output of five nozzles at five pre-defined angles from -45 to 45 degrees.  Thus, depending on the tilt angle of an effect in the show design, a different channel needs to be set on to match the angle.  If the effect in the show is aiming up, channel 3 needs to turn on.  If the user drags the effect's trajectory angle to -45 degrees left, channel 1 needs to turn on.  Since the angle controls which channel turns on, it is not possible to represent effects for this fixture mode directly in the channel rows of the dialog.  The solution requires a variable for the channel offset, as opposed to a channel value.  The offset is based on the angle of the effect.  The "Additional parameters (optional)" field just above the channel rows in the dialog provides a place for all the parameters that don't fit in the channel rows.  For this particular effect, the channel rows are all unchecked and the "Additional parameters (optional)" field contains:  :tilt45ToChannelOffset0To4 255 0. For the majority of effects, simple numbers are sufficient for channel values.  The channel value variables and the additional parameters field accommodate the more complex effects.  If you are trying to define effects for a new fixture that needs some new channel value variables that aren't in the list of Table 2 of Programmer documentation: The DMX Patch field, please contact and ask the Finale support team to add additional variables to the software to support your fixture.   Effect specifications Returning now to the effect specifications at the top of the dialog, the nine fields define the effect specifications as follows: "Visual description (VDL)" is the visual description, like "Red Par Light" or "Green Spotlight Move-To"; or for more esoteric effects like "With Strobing" the visual descriptions may look like "Nonphysical Modifier DmxStrobing10Hz", as explained in Programmer documentation: Special VDL terms for DMX effects like “Move-To” and “With Strobing”. "Part Number" and "Collection" define where the effect is stored, same as for non-DMX effects "Name for this effect" is just the name of the effect.  It will be combined with the fixture nickname, Fixture ID, and Effect ID to construct the full effect description field, like "TSMHG [027/1011] Red Flash (lg)" "Standard Effect ID (optional)" is a number that defines the meaning of the effect, to support features like Fixture cloning which converts a fixture in a show to a different type by translating the effects for the old fixture into effects with the same Standard Effect ID for the new fixture type, and to support warning messages for missing safety channels for fixtures that need them.  The Standard Effect ID is optional; just leave the field blank or use the value 0 if you don't care.  If you do care, you can look up the lists of Standard Effect IDs in Standard Effect IDs for flames and sparks and Standard Effect IDs for lights; please email if you would like to add some Standard Effect IDs to the list that Finale maintains. "Duration" and "Height" are effect attributes that affect the simulation and that may also affect the DMX channel outputs if linked by way of DMX channel value variables. "Prefire" should be zero for any DMX effects other than Move-To effects.  This attribute has a special meaning for DMX effects: it is the maximum "reach back" of a Move-To effect (see Move-In-Black (MIB) and Move-To) that limits how far back the effect that defines the starting point of the movement can be (usually a Move-In-Black effect).  The prefire does not affect the begin time of effects. "Effect Type" for DMX effects is one of four values that make sense for DMX effects: "sfx", "light", "flame", and "other_effect".  The "sfx" is the default, and can be used for everything.  "light" is the same as "sfx" except that it is just a different word, which can be useful for filtering.  "flame" effects are also the same except they have fixed durations that cannot be changed on the timeline for individual events (so if you see "flame" effects of a particular part number on the timeline, you know for sure they are all the exact same duration; whereas if you see different "sfx" or "light" effects you don't know that for sure because their durations could have been modified); for "other_effect" and further explanation, see Why is ‘Type’ so important? What depends on it?.   What to do after defining your effects Once you've defined your effects, right-click on a position and choose "Configure position as DMX fixture" and you'll have the option of picking any application-defined or user-defined fixture that is present in the loaded effect collections, including your My Effects and Per-Show Effects.   Figure 3 – The "Configure position as DMX fixture" menu item will include your user-defined fixtures as options