Official PyroJam 2025 Discussion Topic
Tim Jameson
Joined: Dec 2018 Posts: 77 Location: United States Newcomer
Hi Tim and Drew, thank for again putting this unique competition together. I was at last year’s PyroJam for the first time and had an amazing time! A few questions for you: – PSS93 is listed exactly the same as PSS87 (red to blue to white strobe mine) but per YouTube, PSS87 should be a red strobe to blue tiger tail. Which is correct? – Do all the shots of a chain need to angled the same, or can each shot be angled differently? – For IPC25-CPC, the preview shows it as red-yellow-blue-green-purple-red-yellow-blue-green-purple, however, when loaded in to the simulation, it shows as red-yellow-blue-green-purple-purple–purple–purple–purple-purple. Which is correct? (yes, I just synced to network). – For the roman candles, the effect start at the beginning of the pre-fire, not at the effect time (0.75 sec difference). Is this correct? Previously the effect started at the effect time. Thanks, Tim
Thank you for the catch, you are correct, the PSS93 should be a Blue Tiger Tail Comet with Red Strobe Mine. It has been corrected.
The shots of the chain should not be angled individually. All chains are loaded straight into a single rack.
The simulation for the IPC25-CFC chain has been corrected. Not sure why it showed differently in the preview from the sim, but the sim now matches the preview which is the correct red-yellow-blue-green-purple-red-yellow-blue-green-purple firing pattern.
As for the roman candle, I’m not sure why this isn’t functioning as it had in the past since this was an item previously used in the catalog and I don’t recall making any changes to it. I’ll get with DrewFinale and see how we can fix this as I’m having a hard time getting this one fixed.
For now, go ahead and sync with the network to get the other items “fixed” and I’ll get back to everyone on the roman candles asap.
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 607 Location: United States Silver
Hi Sky Fire Forge, adding to Tim Jameson‘s last post, the candles are now fixed.
You can go to File > Sync with network to refresh the PyroJam catalog. If you already have items in your show that need to be updated, first refresh the catalog, then, with the PyroJam catalog open, go to Effects > Update Per-show effects > Current. This will refresh the items in your show from the PyroJam catalog.
Al Rose
Joined: Dec 2023 Posts: 4 Location: Waterford, Connecticut, United States Newcomer
Hi Tim,
Thank you for the clarification. Used the 50mm peonies in my show, have already reigned them in to 20 degrees and am happy with the results. Now I will work with comets as I have the same issues. Variables, yes there are many, and I understand your quandary. Will load a blank site layout for simulations and see what I come up with. Not at all difficult.
Am from Connecticut and do not need to worry about angles for any effects as in most cases the AHJ will not allow them. Such is life.
Thank you sir for your answer, and Drew and the rest of the crew for this experience of my first PyroJam !
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 607 Location: United States Silver
Hi Al Rose, the PyoJam design template includes 3D models of the trees, which is intended to make it easy to see when your angles need to be adjusted. If you’re having a hard time seeing the trees, you can adjust the brightness by going to File > Render settings and increasing the Model brightness.
Al Rose
Joined: Dec 2023 Posts: 4 Location: Waterford, Connecticut, United States Newcomer
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 607 Location: United States Silver
Hi Drew, I positioned design window view to the treetops level and reviewed my show. F-1 comet goes over the trees. Hope this is not an issue, if so, I will adjust. Thank you for the tip. Al Rose
Per the rules, “…please do not angle effects in such a way that they hit the trees when designing your show”.
If your effects aren’t hitting the trees, all is good!
Tim Jameson
Joined: Dec 2018 Posts: 77 Location: United States Newcomer
Hi Drew, I positioned design window view to the treetops level and reviewed my show. F-1 comet goes over the trees. Hope this is not an issue, if so, I will adjust. Thank you for the tip. Al Rose
As Drew just stated, don’t want to hit the trees, going OVER them is fine 🙂
Sky Fire Forge
Joined: Sep 2019 Posts: 17 Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States Newcomer
Denis Morozov
Joined: Apr 2020 Posts: 6 Location: Астана Newcomer
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 607 Location: United States Silver
Drew, hi! Do you have more photos from the pyrojam montage?
There is a lot of great “behind the scenes” content in the PyroJam documentary, here’s a link:
If you’re looking for photos showing a specific part of the show setup, let us know and we’ll see what we can find.
Joined: Sep 2024 Posts: 6 Location: Underwood IN Newcomer
First off I want to say thank you for this competition! This is such an awesome opportunity. I’ve used Finale for a few years, but nothing north of about a $5k budget. And, more times than not just to make a generic drop show something I don’t have to click through in the field. I’m about 3/4 of the way through my script and it has been such a fun experience!
Anyway…there is a question here…
Just curious, do you share the scores of the submissions with us? I don’t necessarily care what everyone scored. But it would be awesome to know how far off I was from being in the top three.
Thanks again for putting this together!
Tim Jameson
Joined: Dec 2018 Posts: 77 Location: United States Newcomer
First off I want to say thank you for this competition! This is such an awesome opportunity. I’ve used Finale for a few years, but nothing north of about a $5k budget. And, more times than not just to make a generic drop show something I don’t have to click through in the field. I’m about 3/4 of the way through my script and it has been such a fun experience! Anyway…there is a question here… Just curious, do you share the scores of the submissions with us? I don’t necessarily care what everyone scored. But it would be awesome to know how far off I was from being in the top three. Thanks again for putting this together!
Hello and thank you for participating in the competition. In the past, once the competition has ended and I get some time, I am happy to share the judges’ average score for your show with you as well as any comments the judges may have left while scoring your show. All you have to do is shoot me an email AFTER the competition ends and be patient haha.
Joined: Sep 2024 Posts: 6 Location: Underwood IN Newcomer
Joined: Sep 2024 Posts: 6 Location: Underwood IN Newcomer
Tim Jameson
Joined: Dec 2018 Posts: 77 Location: United States Newcomer
Just curious, how many entries did you have last year?
I believe it was 108, but don’t quote me. We’ve had over 100 entries every year with the high being 118 one of the years.
Sky Fire Forge
Joined: Sep 2019 Posts: 17 Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States Newcomer
Tim Jameson
Joined: Dec 2018 Posts: 77 Location: United States Newcomer
Hi Tim and Drew, quick question, when the entries are judged, is the “Disable speed of sound delay” option checked or unchecked. Just trying to get the timing of some salute shells right. Thanks, Tim
The “Disable Speed of Sound Delay” should be checked while designing your show for the competition.
Sky Fire Forge
Joined: Sep 2019 Posts: 17 Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania, United States Newcomer
Thanks Tim!
Hi Tim and Drew, quick question, when the entries are judged, is the “Disable speed of sound delay” option checked or unchecked. Just trying to get the timing of some salute shells right. Thanks, Tim
The “Disable Speed of Sound Delay” should be checked while designing your show for the competition.
Joined: Nov 2024 Posts: 3 Location: ISLES LES VILLENOY Newcomer
Hello DrewFinale and Tim Jameson ,
I’ve a question about the music frame, my wav file is 9:17 for time but when I’m in the final 3D, I see that there is a lot of blank until 9:59 min and when I open my .FIN file all the time the cursor on music part begin at 0:55 by default (my show need to be start at 00:00 because first comets begin at 00:02). is it a bug? is it a problem for judge?
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 607 Location: United States Silver
Hi PYROCREA, we’ll need to see your show file to troubleshoot the issue. Please send your show (.FIN) file to If the show contains a WAV soundtrack, it is most likely too large to send as an email attachment. In that case, you can send for free using When you send us an email, please include a screenshot that shows the problem that you’re seeing on the timeline. The screenshot will help us identify the issue and get back to you more quickly.
I’ve a question about the music frame, my wav file is 9:17 for time but when I’m in the final 3D, I see that there is a lot of blank until 9:59 min and when I open my .FIN file all the time the cursor on music part begin at 0:55 by default (my show need to be start at 00:00 because first comets begin at 00:02). is it a bug? is it a problem for judge? thanks, Nicolas FERET (PYROCREA)
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