• I loved the release of Raccoon and Winda consumer catalogs!! I am wondering if there are plans to add to these catalogs and release more brands?


    If not, or not anytime soon, can we have a place to share our own libraries for those of us who have built consumer effect catalogs for ourselves?

  • Drew, that looks great! Thanks


    Dirk Enders – PyroOffice wrote:


    i always tell my customers that for only a planning they should not spend so muchh time creating exact effects or implement all effects that they have. Just implement the effect tha you need in a basic way. the reason is simply – a lot of effects that are on your list will never be used again and it tak…

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  • Can anyone help me with creating this cake?

    Bad Reputation 500g Finale Firework – YouTube


    I am struggling to get the single comet effect in the peony break.


  • Thank you Drew! How can I update the latest version? I thought I downloaded and did the install, but I am not seeing this feature or some of the other features that have been talked about on these boards.

  • I am scripting using the Dominator and some other Pro catalogs. I have some c-shape sweeps, but the effect is written left or right. Is there a way to change this effect to start from the middle without having to redesign the effect?


  • Sounds great! Thanks!

  • I am scripting for my big show next year, and I am including 2 spinning wheels and several line rockets. I have dug through the effects lists I have as well as played around in creating them, but nothing quite captures what I am going to be doing. Anyone have any suggestions or help?

  • Yeah, this negatively impacted my PyroJam entries, and I didn’t know enough then about how to fix it. The ironic thing is Cobra will only take WAVE files, and Finale will only use wav. For those of us who use both interchangeably this is frustrating.

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    PyroWalker replied to the topic Cake help

    Most of the consumer cakes from the Spirit of 76 catalog are actually placeholders, and don’t have the visual effect. Rather they are timed for scripting purposes. Some of the ProLine items are scripted as more than just a placeholder. I believe it is in the works to make some of the popular consumer cakes available in the visuals at some point.…Read More

  • What you are saying makes sense, however, even when selecting version 6.0.x the headers were not pulling into the Excel file, and I had to create a dummy DMX script in Cobra and add those headings to the exported file from Finale. Once I did this, it worked perfectly.

  • I am very comfortable using Cobra Show Creator and the script setup, so I did this in order to make sure things looked like I wanted them to in the system I am most familiar with. Also, I am really glad I did, because I was on with Cobra help, and there was an error in Finale’s coding for the headings, so even though I selected version 6.0X it…Read More

  • I have recently exported my script to Cobra Show Creator and my DMX effects have transferred over as pyro cues not DMX cues. I feel lost as to what to do differently.

  • I am struggling with creating 2 effects to match product! The first is a shell with a corkscrew tail. The second is flying fish. The effect that simulates looks nothing like my cakes! Is there some magic language I am missing?

  • Sorry for asking so many questions, but I am fairly new to creating effects. I have watched the tutorials and haven’t seen anything addressing an issue I am having.

    I am creating shells to match my inventory for my shows this summer. Some of the shells create beautifully. However, some have this weird effect where they break “up”. I will post a…Read More

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Walker Pyrotechnics
Joined: Dec 2021
Posts: 35
Location: Vicksburg, MI
