Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic Nov 2023 Cakes Contest // Official Topic & FAQ
Many of the cakes that were in the competition are cakes I actually use and I have not seen them in the catalog. What about common brands such as Winda (their catalog needs a TON of improvement), Brothers, World Class, Cutting Edge, and I am sure there are many more? I have never seen Fire Factory or Great Grizzly fireworks anywhere near where I…Read More
Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic Nov 2023 Cakes Contest // Official Topic & FAQ
Has there been any updates on this? Will we be seeing new consumer cakes in our catalogs soon?
Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic Custom Cakes Not Saving/Loading Correctly
Did this ever get fixed? I am attempting to create a cake with very specific timing, and I believe I am having the same issue as was posted over a year ago. My broken cake simulation is perfect, but once I combine as a cake the effect is not correct at all.
Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic Update messed up my effects?
Another issue I am having tonight: I am creating effects and they are not saving anywhere in my effects catalog. I have created a new effect and saved it in myeffects and in per-show effects and when I search for it, it is not there. I just downloaded the beta update this morning, and I am wondering if this is an issue with this latest release?
Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic Update messed up my effects?
Pyro_37110000 wrote:
Hi Drew,I found this out as well. Many are much more beautiful but many have been reinterpreted by the software and need to be checked. I assume that once you use the effect editor, all changes due to software interpretation are impossible?
Yeah, I now am still having issues getting any go-getter effects to look…Read More
Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic Update messed up my effects?
Thanks so much for updating these! I will look into the effects I have created and make sure they are changed.
Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic Update messed up my effects?
You can see the error in the Spirit of 76 effects from the PyroJam competition catalog. Effect GM486Am, GM486B, GM490A, GM491A
This also impacted the Wizard Go-getter cakes.
Walker Pyrotechnics started the topic Update messed up my effects?
I have updated to the most recent version, actually the last 3 versions, and a significant number of my created effects are messed up. This is especially true of swimming stars (go getters), falling leaves, zippered comets, and crossettes. Is there a way to get my old VDL back?
Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic Finale scripted backyard Pyro Musical
Here is the side by side video.
Walker Pyrotechnics started the topic Finale scripted backyard Pyro Musical
This is my show from July 1st. I couldn’t be happier with how it went. Finale makes scripting the DMX features and predicting the lift times so much easier! I will do a side by side simulation/show video later today.
Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic subforum for designing/sharing effects?
PyroBunny wrote:
Can someone create a subforum where we can easily share/design effects? Ideally threads would be titled something like ‘Winda P5581 Fish Tank’ or ‘Pyroland PYL2001 Mother of dragons’ and people could discuss and share what they have created.I have been asking for this for 2 years now. I know there are some who are selling…Read More
Walker Pyrotechnics started the topic Label Question
I am trying to print labels for my upcoming shows. I am using the Avery template, and made sure that the #’s and Sizes match. However, they don’t line up and when they print they are all off. Anyone else having this problem? Doesn’t matter what size I am using, they don’t ever line up correctly. Anyone have a fix?
Walker Pyrotechnics started the topic Reverse Order of Cakes
Sometime when I am using consumer cakes, I will reverse fuse them, thus shooting the cake backwards. Does Finale have a feature to reverse the shooting order without having to recreate the VDL all over again?
(This is NOT the same as rotating the cake 180 degrees.)
Walker Pyrotechnics started the topic Water (Nautical) cakes
I am curious about creating a simulation of water cakes. When I have been trying to create an effect, I see that it will provide a description for nautical cakes, but this doesn’t seem to be any different than a cake that goes up and has a break. Specifically, I am looking to create something like this:
Walker Pyrotechnics replied to the topic PyroJam 2023 (official competition discussion topic)
Quick Clarification: Flame Bursts and Gerbs Positions row P or F (1st or second row?) Also, Ground Salutes: I’m assuming they are 2nd row?
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