Finale 3D Feature Requests
Ulf Werner
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 38 Location: Bottrop Newcomer
Rendering Batches
The possibility to Render defined batches would safe work when we exporting different sequneces from a show.
For example i often scripting sequneces for concerts and different tracks in one showfile. Most every Song have only one sequnece with 20 seconds which i need to render.
Actual i have to repeat every time the render dialog and type in again and again the start and stop time. Would be great if we can arrange it with kind of start stop keyframes and get the option to render all these defined start stop ranges at once. Optinally as single or in multi files.
In general the option to render a timecode like in the design window would also be a good help to indicate which times weve rendered if we doesnt have the whole showfile.
Joined: Apr 2022 Posts: 14 Location: United States Newcomer
As a hobby shooter, the Lite version put Finale back into a price range we could justify. For the most part, it does everything a backyard amateur needs.
However, in prepping to shoot my first show off the new version, I did find a gap. Creating chains is a very important feature for small users. Hobbyists often work with extremely limited hardware/cues, and chaining together effects is an important part of making limited equipment go further. However, while you can create chains, the Lite version doesn’t include the chain building report. With no way to see those chains at show time, the only way I can come up with to actually build them is to break apart the chain, write down every effect, then put the chain back together, edit chain times, and manually write down every time. I’ll do what it takes to make it work, but this seems like an oversight.
Joined: Dec 2018 Posts: 4 Location: Columbia, MO Newcomer
Ulf Werner
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 38 Location: Bottrop Newcomer
Addition to PyroDan Posts:
And please optionally a output option for the timecode as a running clock in the bottom right corner for example.
Especially when we render just parts other have the possibility to know which is the true showtime for this render.
Joined: Jan 2022 Posts: 21 Location: United States Newcomer
Joined: Jan 2022 Posts: 21 Location: United States Newcomer
Can we get annotation on rack diagrams of what is in the tube? Effect description would be great, though custom script field, size, or type might be handy too.
Is there a way to view more than one position in rack window? I find that I’m working on 2 mirroring positions and it would be nice to look at / work one those together.
Jorge Márquez/Lux Pirotecnia
Joined: Aug 2019 Posts: 2 Location: Mexico City, Mexico City, Mexico Newcomer
Hola All,
I have a couple or request here:
1. Open recent in File menu (in fact a submenu with recent files would be better)
2. Rehearsal mode. In big shows live music concerts or official events, producers and directors LOVE to see the animations running in the house during rehearsals, they like to see what’s going to happen tomorrow, and YES MAKE CHANGES! Can it be possible to do this directly in Finale3D? Listen to MIDI TC and control Finale Design window?
3. Opéranos like “…” “< >” in Scripts window, to work on specific segments of my show.
Joined: Jan 2022 Posts: 21 Location: United States Newcomer
Joined: Jul 2020 Posts: 1 Location: Mequon, Wisconsin, United States Newcomer
I would love to see support for the 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse in Finale3d; you can find development resources for adding support on the Software Developer Program homepage (
I am a full-stack developer and would be happy to lend assistance towards this goal on my own given the opportunity, so by all means please reach out to me if you might be interested in some free labor.
List of Supported Applications:
Software Developer Program:
Developers Forum (Windows):
Joined: Jan 2022 Posts: 21 Location: United States Newcomer
Ulf Werner
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 38 Location: Bottrop Newcomer
lock timing. I love lock addressing. Could that be done with event time column?
Time locking of scriptRows would be a great feature but from my opinion it should be a seperate locking function. Cause we so often rearrange something on the timeline where the addresses still should be protected in moments where a part of preproduction is alredy done.
Also i think that if there is something locked we should stop the possibility of manual editing or deleting a row in the script window.
Ulf Werner
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 38 Location: Bottrop Newcomer
Ulf Werner
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 38 Location: Bottrop Newcomer
Position Window:
Wish a column to define a hazard group for Positions.
For example:
In Explo System every device gets an upper Letter to define a security Group for a group of devices.
In F3d we already have hazard column for scriptRows which is also used via explo. But in addition it would be helpful to define a hazard info to positions(an automatically to the devices where they used for). We dont need it as data in the exported firings system file. Its only a information in the reports for collegues who configure the ignition system.
As Note and custom position field are already used by me for other informations i wish and hope that you also see that a harzard column as string type makes sense at all.
George Tasick
Joined: Oct 2022 Posts: 6 Location: Earth Newcomer
I use Finale 3D solely for product development and visualization. Cakes and single shot items, i’ll design and simulate them in finale, then provide those renderings to to factories as a complement to technical documentation.
This provides the factories with a visual reference of what i’m asking for, which works around language barriers and provides much faster understanding of the request.
Additionally, Finale 3D is a great tool for visualizing as a product designer, working out the timing/composition/effect combinations in a consumer device before sending to the factory.
The photo/video renderings from Finale 3D are also helpful in marketing the products (pre-production demo videos) and as elements of product packaging (photo renderings of very specific effects).
With these use cases in mind … the output format of my work is not timecode to be used on a shoot site as part of a live display … my output is video and photos of the products i create, to be used as production reference and/or marketing materials.
As such, my feature request is to include compositional guides on any given 3D camera view … including “safe frames, “thirds guides”, and “center guides”. These guides are very common in 3D programs where the final output is on a screen (TV, computer, mobile device, digital billboard, etc.)
Below is an example of safe frames … though only the “action safe” and “title safe” are relevant. Also notice how the action safe box (yellow) has little center markings for composing elements of the scene. The safe frames where more relevant in composing video for screens in the CRT days, when overscan was a much bigger issue. With modern screens the issue is much less pronounced, because screens are built to specific pixel dimensions, though some TVs still scale the image slightly and some screens have thicker plastic bezels that partially cover the edges of the screen itself.
The image below shows both safe frames and a “thirds grid” … the thirds grid is most helpful when framing up fireworks videos, because it always looks best on video (especially demo videos) when aerial effects break on the line between the top and middle third …
This image shows safe frames and a center marker … the center marker is especially useful when trying to center anything within the frame.
At present, Finale 3D can restrict the preview render to a 16:9 ratio … however this only helps to see the boundaries of what will be rendered. Aligning anything within those boundaries is a real guessing game … and the lack of these compositional guides makes it very difficult to be consistent from product to product, especially when a new project file is created.
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 1 Location: United States Newcomer
Joined: Nov 2021 Posts: 1 Location: United Kingdom Newcomer
New Feature request :
Remember me button on login screen, so we don’t need to enter the password each time Finale is launched.
When importing audio, can finale remember which folder was used last time? It already does this when exporting reports, but importing music always defaults back to a generic Finale folder.
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 607 Location: United States Silver
New Feature request :
Remember me button on login screen, so we don’t need to enter the password each time Finale is launched.
Great suggestion. Tip: You can login without entering your password by checking ‘Login offline’. This will also skip syncing with the network. If you need to sync after logging in offline, you can still do from the Effects window drop-down list or File > Sync with network.
When importing audio, can finale remember which folder was used last time? It already does this when exporting reports, but importing music always defaults back to a generic Finale folder.
Yes, we’ll make this happen at some point.
Ulf Werner
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 38 Location: Bottrop Newcomer
Site Layout Diagrams (Flags)
Its great that we are able to move the flags as they are overlapping. But in general is suggest to make it possible that we are able to select a group of flags to move them in the rack window. As you can imagine if you have a production with a bigger amount of positions, e.g. 60 positions…. its quiet stupid to drag flag by flag.
Ulf Werner
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 38 Location: Bottrop Newcomer
Site Layout Diagrams
DMX Universe and Channel Bases for the Position Flags
We need options to define which informations of a position are shown in the flag.
Its clear for Pyro we need most the rail nr and that is what will be shown by default.
When we going further into the DMX topic we need option to show universe and the channel bases of a fixture position.
Dimension Flags
And to use the diagrams in the future for a exact setup in the future we need the possibility for dimension flags which the user is able to set to specific reference points.
For example flags between the positions or flags to a local given reference point to have correct orientation on site.
Ulf Werner
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 38 Location: Bottrop Newcomer
Draw Mode Update for Rack Window
The Update from today gives us great opportunities.
On my first view i miss the option to give a filling of an object an transperency.
For example when i want to mark an audience area i dont want to cover it with 100% opacity to see what is under it (maps picture, objects or something else).
So think option to choose the transperencey 0-100& for lines and fillings would be an important option.
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