Finale 3D Feature Requests
Joined: May 2023 Posts: 45 Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States Newcomer
Can we split the syncing of My Effects from all the other network operations that happen when we “Sync with Network”? 99% of the time, I just want to save My Effects to the cloud and move on. The extra time rechecking all the inventory catalogs I subscribed to is unnecessary and slows me down. It could save a bit of traffic to your servers too!. Just something like “Save My Effects”.
Curtis B
Joined: Jan 2023 Posts: 47 Location: Ozark, Missouri, United States Newcomer
It would be nice to have a dedicated interface for creating effects…
When you click on “Create Effect” or “Edit Effect in VDL window” it would pull up a unique interface that would allow the user to make changes and see them real time. It would be similar to the effects editor window but instead of an entire timeline and full blown visual window, it would size the visual window to the specific size of the effect you are making and the timeline would only be as big as needed for your effect. Another attribute of this would be to return the “play” cursor to the beginning of the timeline so you could see your effect in its entirety without having to press the “beginning” button.
Another VDL term I would like to see would be the terms Soft and Loud to either decrease or increase the noise of salutes so you don’t have to go into the effects editor to increase or reduce the noise of the break. This would also be helpful when designing new product that has a silent break (like horsetails, falling leaves, etc.) so you can finely tune the VDL without having to go into the effects editor.
Another feature that would be nice would be to have the ability to create multiple “My Effects” databases so you can have various different personal catalogues saved. For instance, if you have product from years 2020, 2023, and 2024 but they all have various PFT, then it would be nice to have databases to account for this. Another instance this would be useful for would be different shooting sites. Some sites require more PFT due to the proximity of sound and pyro to the crowd where others can get by with little to no PFT. You could utilize a “Create Effect Database” under your profile this way and customize the name for each database you create.
Højen & Magic
Joined: Aug 2019 Posts: 3 Location: Holstebro, Central Jutland, Denmark Newcomer
Mum Pyrotechnics
Joined: Jun 2022 Posts: 10 Location: Minot, North Dakota, United States Newcomer
Cue Limit Indicator
It would be really helpful to be able to set a cue limit that is either manually entered or based on guns per rack at each pos. I script 2 decently sized shows and lose track of how many cues I have at each position, especially when getting close to done. If there was a way to have some kind of indicator to let me know a position is getting to the limit I set so I don’t have to go into each pos to see how full it is would be a huge help!
If there is already something out there for this. Someone please let me know.
Dirk Enders – PyroOffice
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 48 Location: Frankfurt / Germany Charcoal
Joined: Mar 2019 Posts: 5 Location: Salisbury, England, United Kingdom Newcomer
Google Map 3D
– Able to deselect a specific area, e.g. some of the sports stadium on google maps are unfinished then it can be replaced with external SKP Model.
– Able to rotate the map to make it easier to select specific area.
– Able to select more than 1 High-details 3D.
Landscape and Water
– Able to draw water freely to a specific area.
Joined: Jan 2022 Posts: 21 Location: United States Newcomer
The rack window could use some upgrades.
There’s more options in a single position, like clicking and dragging that would be nice with all positions up.
Would be nice to designate if certain positions were clones, or mirrors or something like that. Maybe the tube turns a color other than red to show a pin or tube that mismatches the other clone, so it’s easy to read rack loading diagrams that have almost identical pins/loading but a couple wild-card cues.
Joined: Jan 2022 Posts: 21 Location: United States Newcomer
Joined: Jun 2023 Posts: 25 Location: Redmond, WA Newcomer
New Feature request : Remember me button on login screen, so we don’t need to enter the password each time Finale is launched.
Great suggestion. Tip: You can login without entering your password by checking ‘Login offline’. This will also skip syncing with the network. If you need to sync after logging in offline, you can still do from the Effects window drop-down list or File > Sync with network.
it’s been 2 years, are there any plans to implement this?
Joined: Apr 2019 Posts: 55 Location: San Antonio, Texas, United States Newcomer
Ulf Werner
Joined: Nov 2018 Posts: 38 Location: Bottrop Newcomer
Not only to deletion also for moving or changing the time.
But would prefer that the lock really locks the any entry or change in the script window for time, adresses. At the moment we are able to delete adresses manually in the script window event if its locked.
Curtis B
Joined: Jan 2023 Posts: 47 Location: Ozark, Missouri, United States Newcomer
A feature I would love to see added would be a shortcut key to switch between shows. I often times have a VDL “show” window open to create effects for my pyromusicals so it doesn’t muddy up the actual show I am working on. Currently, the process to switch shows is cumbersome (File > Switch Shows > [select show]) but if we had a way to switch between them easily, it could help speed up the workflow of creating pyromusicals. I’m thinking something like Ctrl + Pg Up/Pg Dn similar to how you “scroll” through worksheets in Excel or tabs in Chrome.
Curtis B
Joined: Jan 2023 Posts: 47 Location: Ozark, Missouri, United States Newcomer
Another feature that would be cool to see would to have separate volume control over the soundtrack and the effects. I like to add a “pop” as the launch sound of my single shots so I know if they align with the soundtrack but would prefer not to have to make those pops “big” as that would take away from some of the song. Having the ability to control the volume of the soundtrack and effects separately would help alleviate this need as you could lower the soundtrack volume without creating a “special” soundtrack just to use in Finale.
Joined: Dec 2019 Posts: 605 Location: United States Silver
Another feature that would be cool to see would to have separate volume control over the soundtrack and the effects. I like to add a “pop” as the launch sound of my single shots so I know if they align with the soundtrack but would prefer not to have to make those pops “big” as that would take away from some of the song. Having the ability to control the volume of the soundtrack and effects separately would help alleviate this need as you could lower the soundtrack volume without creating a “special” soundtrack just to use in Finale.
Hi Curtis B, all versions of Finale 3D have this feature. Just go to File > Render settings and look for the setting titled Effect audio volume and Song audio volume.
Joined: Sep 2023 Posts: 2 Location: Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands Newcomer
Hi guys, could not find the following thing in the rack layout or effect / position parameters, but is it possible to give a 40/60 meters oval safety distance to a cake that we’ve made? I only get a round circle out of the safety distance, tried 40×60 and 40/60 but no succes. Maybe something for the future?
The Novice Pyro
Joined: Jun 2023 Posts: 9 Location: Oxford, Michigan, United States Newcomer
Curtis B CTRL+TAB would be the best practice for this I believe.
The Novice Pyro
Joined: Jun 2023 Posts: 9 Location: Oxford, Michigan, United States Newcomer
1. A “home” dialog that shows recent projects. I’m rarely interested in opening Finale with a blank project. 99.9% of the time I will close it and open the most recent project I was working on. Would be nice to just have a “home” page that shows the last 10 recent .fin projects and perhaps a “pin” option that saves them to the top of the list. This is an industry standard feature for most all other software I use and is very helpful.
2. In addition, this home page could also have a “New” project section with saved project templates. Then project templates can be either show templates or SIM templates. SIM templates would be just a project but when created, it would prompt for a name, then create a .fin project AS WELL AS an effect database of the same name to keep the custom SIMs separate in their own .fdb for better organization and sharing.
3. Once that is done, it would be nice to have a “Share SIM” option that uploads the project and effect DB to a central repository for all to enjoy. Then a repository search would be nice to find custom SIMS made by the community. I have a TON of these I could share.
Joined: Sep 2021 Posts: 1 Location: Metro Manila, Philippines Newcomer
The Novice Pyro
Joined: Jun 2023 Posts: 9 Location: Oxford, Michigan, United States Newcomer
The Novice Pyro
Joined: Jun 2023 Posts: 9 Location: Oxford, Michigan, United States Newcomer
Hi guys, i am just designing a finale bigger show. A lot of effect in a small time and i have to pick up the positions manually . Building a huge number of groups is not an always an option because it takes space and you have to search. So i have to change to the top view and select the effects , but it is not always easy to find them depending on the zoom level, the displayed effects and the smoke. (see example) To see the effect and adjust the timing i have to change to front view again. This is repeating all the time. I know that i can use the positions window to select effects, but i like to be sure and see the layout. So my idea is to make a seperate screen with the position layout (same as design view from top but without effects) where you can select the positions. The result should look like that
What do you think – will this be useful for you, too ? Leave a like if you think so Dirk
I like this idea. Partially since I have suggested it myself before. I would also like that window to include pos groups. I always select positions from top view. Half of my clicks must be changing between top and front view. Another solution to the same problem, that I think I prefer is a shortcut for selecting part of the selection you just do. (Making up some possible shortcuts that might conflict with current shortcuts but to make the suggestion less abstract) e.g ctrl+number in your example. You select all CK positions. push ctrl 2 and it selects all odf pos. Again, all even. ctrl 3 every third. Etc etc In combination with: if you press tab you scroll through the selection, shift tab scroll back. ctrl tab selects center position, again the 2 pos next to it (moving outwards).
Is anything happening with these ideas? This would be a spectacular upgrade! This extra positions window (with groups) would be a lifesaver. Excellent idea!
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